27.08.19 –
Week X – Week X
Feryn Juliesta Sulia (0336407)
Publishing Design
Project 1


Lecture 1: Introduction to The Module
29.08.19 (Week 1)

We were briefed to this first project and told that we have to prepared 3000 words content on any selected familiar topic the next week. The content must be divided into 3 chapters, 3/4/5 subtext and one caption per chapter. Or we can obtain the text from a source which we will credit.



Content Generating (Week 1)

Link to the content:

Visual reference:
Fig 1.0 Visual Reference 1

Fig 1.1 Visual Reference 2

Fig 1.2 Visual Reference 3

Fig 1.3 Visual Reference 4

Fig 1.4 Visual Reference 5

Fig 1.5 Visual Reference 6

Fig 1.6 Visual Reference 7

16 Visuals:

Fig 1.7 Some Progress 

Fig 1.8 Visual 1

Fig 1.9 Visual 2

Fig 1.10 Visual 3

Fig 1.11 Visual 4

Fig 1.12 Visual 5

Fig 1.13 Visual 6

Fig 1.14 Visual 7

Fig 1.15 Visual 8

Fig 1.16 Visual 9

Fig 1.17 Visual 10

Fig 1.18 Visual 11

Fig 1.19 Visual 12

Fig 1.20 Visual 13

Fig 1.21 Visual 14

Fig 1.22 Visual 15

Fig 1.23 Visual 16
Fig 1.24 16 Visuals


Week 2
Mr. Vinod said that I need to work on the pull quote and subtext for each chapter.

Week 3
He told me to put some details on the graphic like texture on the clothes and keep at it.

Week 4
Mr. Vinod said don't put too much black as the background.

Week 5
Mr. Vinod said I need to put the visuals in my book size and in order. For the layout, he said that the font size I used for the content is too big.

Week 6
Mr. Vinod reminded me to avoid island of text. Then he suggest a smaller body text size.

Week 7
Mr. Vinod said I have to be more sensitive to the text, he reminded me to the exercise we have done in our past semester which we have to kern text to make it flows nicely.



Week 1
I feel like I'm completely in a new class because this specialisation class is now so quiet with only a few people that always sit far from me in the last semester. On top of that, I was eager for the first project because it sounds so fun until we had to write 3000 words for the content.

Week 2
The exercise this week in fact was fun and new, despite we rarely done this kind of activity in the previous class.

Week 3
I get that manually make the Van de Graaf was rather tough since I had to make it twice as the first one I made wasn't exactly how it should turns out.

Week 4
Deciding which spreadsheet was a long consideration because I found quite a lot spreadsheet I want to analyse.

Week 5
Working on book layout is fun, but stressful for sure.

Week 6

Week 7


Week 1
I see that I am not very good in writing, so the only thing I originally wrote myself is the introduction which is about my childhood. Then the next three chapters, I combine a few version of the same story into one story for my book.

Week 2
I see that everyone seems enjoyed the activity in class.

Week 3
I see that once again I'm not very good with manual things, since everyone got their first try to exactly how it should be, while I had to do it twice.

Week 4
This week, I observe myself quite slow since everyone had decided which spreadsheet to scan while I was still struggling with which book is better and not to mention that both of those books are bigger than A3 that I have to find another smaller books.

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7


Week 1
I found myself delighted in this new class since it felt so new and fun.

Week 2
I found that everyone must feel less stressed in this semester because we got to choose the specialisation ourselves.

Week 3
I found quite a new things like the classic grid system and signature folding system which for me is interesting and new.

Week 4
I found the way we study the grid and how designer designed the book layout is very fascinating.

Week 5
I found that I need to find more source of knowledge about layout.

Week 6

Week 7


From this reading, I get that content have to be carefully designed. A strong book interior have to be pleasing and well-balanced in two important areas: typesetting and layout. I learned that we need to leave an enough white space. The margins have to be ample and the leading have to be generous without making it looking gappy. And we need to understand that hyphenated words at the end of lines are unavoidable, but we have to make sure the word doesn't break to create a different word. Keep an eye out of single lines marooned at the bottom ("orphan") or top of a page ("widow") with no paragraph to support them. 


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