02.04.19 – 30.04.19
(Week 1 - Week 5)
Feryn Juliesta Sulia (0336407)
Advanced Typography


Lecture 1: Introduction to The Module
02.04.19 (Week 1)

As usual for every first class, the lecturers introduced us to the information booklet of the module which have exercises, projects, and assessment contents. Mr. Vinod showed us some of the last semester project 1 poster collateral as a lead for us through this semester.

Lecture 2: Typographic Systems
09.04.19 (Week 2)

This week we prepare a presentation as a lecture for the typographic systems, here the compilation of all group's presentations;

Lecture 3: -
16.04.19 (Week 3)

No lecture this week.

Lecture 4: Compressed History of Roman Alphabet 
23.04.19 (Week 4)

Mr. Vinod started the lecture by explaining the modular system as he and Mr. Shamsul think it is a problem for us. Before that, we have a group presenting their discussion about this topic below;

Lecture 5: -
30.04.19 (Week 5)

No lecture this week.



Typographic Systems & Findings (Week 1 - Week 3)

The Design School
Taylor’s University
The Troublemakers Manifesto: A Design Colloquium
Open Public Lectures:
November 24, 2019
Lew Pik Svonn, 9AM-10AM
Ezrena Mohd., 10AM-11AM
Suzy Sulaiman, 11AM-12PM
November 25, 2019
Dr. Clarissa Ai Ling Li, 9AM-10AM
Professor John Sabraw, 10AM-11AM
Dr. Liyanna Khairuddin, 11AM-12PM
Lecture Theatre 12

Below's are my designs for each typographic system. (First attempt)

Fig 1.1 Incorrect Radial Typographic System Design
First attempt: 

(Second attempt) - Final Outcome

Type & Play - Part 1: Finding Type (Week 3 - Week 4)

We were told to start working on our next exercise as soon as the first exercise were done by all of us. 
I chose a figure I found in a book since I found quite unique letters on it. 

Fig 1.2 Traced using pen tool
Fig 1.3 Letters GDaw/eTiO found
Fig 1.4 GDEaiTOw

Fig 1.5 Refining process (Gill Sans Display typeface characteristic injected)
Fig 1.6 Post-Feedback outcome

Fig 1.7 Further refinement

Mr. Vinod told me that after discussing with Mr. Shamsul, they prefer the one I did before injecting gill sans display characteristic into it. I was told to submit the outcome above and this outcome below they suggested me to submit as well.


Type & Play - Part 2 (Week 5)

Fig 1.8 First Attempts

Fig 1.9 Second Attempts

Fig 1.10 Attempts after thorough feedback
Fig 1.11 Attempt

[final outcome]


Week 1 
No feedback this week.

Week 2
General Feedback: Mr. Vinod said that we have to keep eye contact while doing our presentation to make sure that everyone's getting the point of the presentation.
Individual feedback: I showed the lecturers my axial, radial, dilatational, and random digitalised typographic system. Mr. Vinod said that my radial is a mixed system between dilatational and radial so I have to separate it. Both designs for dilatational are correct, and he told me to keep focus continuing my work. Also he told me to take off all the colour and change it to grey if I purposely wants to differentiate the context, and take off all the non objective element as well.

Week 3
General Feedback: Mr. Vinod told us to use 8-12pt for body text and keep the kerning and leading for our texts good looking as well as our letter space.
Individual Feedback: Mr. Vinod said that my axial a bit chunky but it's ok, for my modular it's not really in a good shape because I didn't really use the grid guide to guide my arrangement so I need to fix it a bit. For the other system's designs he told me to work a little bit more on the letter space.

Week 4
Mr. Vinod told me to consider a margin in one of my axial design and radial design. Also I have to fixed one of my grid design while the other design is not working. For one of my bilateral design, he said I need to remain my white space smaller. I was suggested to balance my bilateral system by putting 'Taylor's University The Design School' far under the big title on the left side. For my modular, one of my design is not satisfying both Mr. Vinod and me so I decide to do it with new idea.
After showing both lecturers my revision, he said that it is okay.

Week 5
Mr. Shamsul commented on my refining exercise that what I did is nice but I have to wok on the G a little bit, he told me that I have to ask Mr. Vinod about this. Mr. Vinod likes my refined letters that I did before I put the reference on the design. He told me I have to work on the D and make all the thickness consistent.
The G is quite the character. The bottom and curve of the D needs a little work. T needs to become thicker and O needs to become a little more semi-rounded or round. Feedback for type and play exercise: It is ok only. Very basic. Just about passable. Lacks exciting and surprising interplay as seen in the example given in the brief.
Work on the D. And make the strokes for all consistent in thickness.
You can update me when you have put in more time and are sure you have reached a point that is now ready to be shown.
Try to ensure the width of the letters are consistent. The D needs more refinement, start making it look more like a D
The image-type play artworks are so-so presently, they seem to be a work-in-progress. Not quite finished. It needs to integrate further (type and image) and play off each other with a little more excitement.
Better. Can still refine the S further. There is interplay but again it’s at a basic level. Let me send you another example.



Week 1
As this class was the first class to begin the semester 2, I felt that the class's vibes are very exciting, new, yet tense. But as soon as the lecture started, the tense loosen up. Personally, I feel this first class was really fun and educating.

Week 2
This week we presenting and listening to the presentation each group had already prepared. I get mostly confused by my own group presentation as all got interested in the math I provided in the slides which is for finding the golden ratio. As I don't really think it matters a lot, I can't explain it thoroughly as I didn't prepare much to be questioned about this part. What a regret...

Week 3
This week I got reminded a lot about mostly last semester lecture. I'm glad I got reminded as it's help me improving my design.

Week 4
Typographic system is fun. It needs more than an enough understanding to create a better one. I think I am still far behind because my design is not that great as many of my classmates designed a better one than me.

Week 5
I felt excited about our second exercise as I imagined a lot of typeface as an outcome from a random object. I learned that to create a typeface based on an object or any other, we need to keep it legible yet characterised by its source.
For second part of the second exercise, I thought it was going to be a quick one to do but I was totally wrong since this exercise is quite tiring. None of my attempts were totally accepted and I found myself actually enjoy this exercise as I made quite a lot designs. Unfortunately, those designs are not that interesting.

Week 6
I felt mentally a bit tired but pushing myself to do better is not a bad idea.


Week 1
I see that although we are nervous about the upcoming exercises and projects, part of us still unruffled due to the our familiarity to this module.

Week 2
Everyone is very excited and curious to learn something new. I got excited because of my class excitement.

Week 3
As I observe, my classmates's talent regarding design field became even more recognisable.

Week 4
Why all of my classmates so brilliant...

Week 5
All of my classmates are so creative. They are truly a designer.

Week 6


Week 1
I found that originality of a design is come within ourselves, specifically; knowledge, experience, and preferences.

Week 2
I found that I have to take presentation more seriously from now on.

Week 3
I found that I didn't really absolutely get about all the typography system, but I feel the feedbacks given helps a lot.

Week 4
I found that


Typographic Design: Form and Communication by Rob Carter, Philip B. Meggs, Ben Day, Sandra Maxa, Mark Sanders 
Chapter 4: The Typographic Grid (Week 1)

Typographic Design: Form and Communication
I read this book provided by Mr. Vinod in facebook specifically its fourth chapter. From this chapter, I got the idea that grids are ubiquitous carriers of information, to the degree where we are not consciously aware of them. Grids serve as the underlying structure for modelling and archiving human thought, interactions, and events. Thus it is very crucial to organise information within a spatial field. With grid, we can resulted a cleared and more accessible communication. The shapes of typographic elements have directional qualities that are echoed as implied spatial corridors. These divisions establish proportional relationship and give the space movement and kinetic energy.

Structure and space
To work effectively with the typographic grid is to understand that it also is a system of proportions. A grid ratio, which is a mathematical relationship between two or more grid measurements, governs the size and placement of typographic elements. The ratio X:2X, for example, indicates the basic grid ratio. This stepped progression of X:2X establishes an underlying proportional system among the parts. 

Designers most often rely upon an innate sense of proportion. But it is helpful also to consider models that have been handed down over centuries. The most familiar of these is the golden section, which is a law of proportionality found frequently in nature and the human body, and used throughout centuries in art, architecture, design, and music. First developed by Vitruvius, the golden section is basically a relationship or ratio between two numbers (or objects) wherein the ratio of the smaller number to the larger number is the same as the sum of both numbers. The algebraic expression of this relationship is a:b=b:(a+b). Stated numerically, the ratio is 1:1.618, and stated in percentages the ratio is 38 percent to 62 percent.
Removing a square from a golden rectangle leaves another golden rectangle
The golden rectangle can be drawn by making a square, dividing it in half, and striking an arc from the half point of one side of the square to the opposite corner of the square

The golden section, which can easily be constructed from the square, dominated as the proportional system for the design of medieval manuscripts

 The golden spiral winds through a series of conjoined golden rectangles. The spiral is linked to many forms in nature and is related to the Fibonacci square

Typographic System of Design by Kimberly Elam
Chapter: Axial, Random and Modular System (Week 2 – Week 3)

Typographic Systems of Design
I put more focus on these 3 chapter as I got confused by these systems. Axial system is simply aligning text to its axis. They create a symmetric or asymmetric composition.

Modular system is involving non-objective elements in all compositions. it takes the place of non-objective elements and it is quite a challenge for designer to design which modular shapes at the outset. It is dependant on standardised non-objective elements/units that act as a ground to contain text. Composition are created by organising and placing the modular units. To my understanding, modular is basically creating a guidelines usually equal to its height and width, then any each box is filled by the design or typography since this is a typographic system. 

For random, after reading this book I realised this system is the one without any specific boundaries, which is literally a random where you can arrange your design randomly. 

Typography Referenced: A Comprehensive Visual Guide to the Language, History, and Practice of Typography by Allan Haley, Richard Poulin, Jason Tselentis, Tony Seddon, Gerry Leonidas, Ina Saltz, Kathryn Henderson, with Tyler Alterman
Chapter: Contemporary Usage; Designing with Type (Week 4 – Week 5)

Typography Referenced

For centuries, designers have used type for communicative, expressive, educational, and entertainment purposes. Contemporary designers continue those traditions through different approaches, technology and aesthetic. Form may follow function. Type can become an image. No matter what, readers still seek out information and clarify, sometimes wanting merely visual entertainment, and in some cases, wanting a spectacle instead of a message.

I found this book online and I don't know why this book have a few misspelling. Might be only in its pdf format. But still understandable.

poster example 




Glad to found this book as it contains lots of inspiring design.


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