Digital Photography and Imaging - Project 1

15.10.18 - 12.11.18
(Week 7 - Week 11)
Feryn Juliesta Sulia (0336407)
Digital Photography and Imaging
Project 1


Recomposition of Jacek Yerka's Surrealistic Artwork

15.10.18 - 29.10.18 (Week 7 - Week 9)

This first project require us to recompose a chosen surrealistic artwork from Jacek Yerka, in Adobe Photoshop and using stock imagery from such stock image foundries; pixabay and pixels.

Fig 1.1 Chosen Jacek's artwork 'The moonlight bed'
Fig 1.2 Sources

Fig 1.3 Sources
Fig 1.4 First attempt

29.10.18 - 05.11.18 (Week 9 - Week 10)

After received feedback, I made an improvement to my recomposition work.

Fig 1.5 Final Outcome

Fig 1.6 Screenshots of layers


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