Typography - Final Project
07.11.18 - 21.11.18
(Week 11 - Week 13)
Feryn Juliesta Sulia (0336407)
Final Project
Final Project (Week 11 - Week 13)
Social Message Poster
For the final project, Mr. Vinod told us to come up with an idea to typographically posterise a social problem or message that is relevant to our campus community.
At first, I was thinking about posterise the problem I usually faced when I'm visiting the library which is silence, with sentence 'the less men think, the more they talk'. But, then I think that it is too narrowed and not so meaningful. So I decided to posterise depression as it is a common thing to happens these days and more meaningful in my opinion.
My point is to tell that depression might be seamless but it is here and it can happens to anyone.
I put 'O' and 'I' with intention it would read vertically, that depression is poisonous, but turns out that no one realise it. Mr. Vinod also told me that no one will see it. He also remind me to typographically expressed 'depression'. He suggest to symbolise depression as teardrop and place it in the cavity of the letters that have cavity in it.
On the second attempt, I did what Mr. Vinod suggest me and I also make the 'N' that hidden behind the folded paper looks like it is cut off. I changed the colour because the previous one was commented that it seems dull.
Much depends on what is on the next page.
Your treatment of the body text and text expression are like separate islands. They are not aligned, balanced well in the page, and the expressions do not interact with the body of text. The first page and the last page are equally separate in style.
If this was an artwork, can you explain the principles underpinning the placements of this shape? Is there balance, is there alignment? Is there rhythm? This is the same for most of the spread (facing pages). Maybe you should research page layouts before attempting.
Do you see how the body text interplay’s with the expressive text. They look like they belong with each other.
Observe the use of space as well.
Week 12
Feedback received online:
I showed him my digitalised work and he commented that it is
Interesting. On the right track visually. But there is no idea in it. Meaning, where/how depression expressed typographically? The visual impact is on the right track but needs more exploration to fine tuning.
What if you use a tear drop to symbolize depression and place it in the cavity of the letters: D, P, R & O
He told me that no one will see the O and I that I put on the right side so that it is read vertically as poison.
Week 13
Mr. Shamsul commented on my work that it is okay, not bad, and its nice. When I ask Mr. Vinod, he said that my poster colour is too dull, he advised me to add drop shadows under the paper fold I did, and also he told me to express the cut I made in my 'n' with stitches instead of cut. After showing Mr. Vinod my poster animation online, he suggest me to make the teardrop falls down instead of what I already done.
Here some poster work that impressed me the most:
The speed and quality of production can influence your design decisions along the way. "They printed a lot of posters in no time; therefore, I had to learn to leave things to chance, "explain Alderete. "I tried to design something where the registration wasn't really that important.
The Layout Book by Max Weber
(Week 11 - Week 13)
Feryn Juliesta Sulia (0336407)
Final Project
Lecture 11: -
07.11.18 (Week 11)
No lecture this week due to Deepavali public holiday.
Lecture 12: -
14.11.18 (Week 12)
No lecture this week.
Final Project (Week 11 - Week 13)
Social Message Poster
For the final project, Mr. Vinod told us to come up with an idea to typographically posterise a social problem or message that is relevant to our campus community.
At first, I was thinking about posterise the problem I usually faced when I'm visiting the library which is silence, with sentence 'the less men think, the more they talk'. But, then I think that it is too narrowed and not so meaningful. So I decided to posterise depression as it is a common thing to happens these days and more meaningful in my opinion.
My point is to tell that depression might be seamless but it is here and it can happens to anyone.
Fig 1.1 Idea Sketch |
Fig 1.1 First digitised attempt |
Fig 1.2 Second digitised attempt |
Fig 1.3 Digitalised Final Poster |
Fig 1.4 First Animating Attempt |
Fig 1.5 Animating Attempt Post Feedback |
Week 11
Feedback received online:
(mostly about project1)
There are a whole bunch of words here, why is imagination and beer treated differently? Doesn’t seem to make sense.
The distance is rather weird for D? Why so far. The expression is ok.Feedback received online:
(mostly about project1)
There are a whole bunch of words here, why is imagination and beer treated differently? Doesn’t seem to make sense.
Much depends on what is on the next page.
Your treatment of the body text and text expression are like separate islands. They are not aligned, balanced well in the page, and the expressions do not interact with the body of text. The first page and the last page are equally separate in style.
If this was an artwork, can you explain the principles underpinning the placements of this shape? Is there balance, is there alignment? Is there rhythm? This is the same for most of the spread (facing pages). Maybe you should research page layouts before attempting.
Do you see how the body text interplay’s with the expressive text. They look like they belong with each other.
Observe the use of space as well.
Awkward shape
Year idea is good.
When I showed him my poster idea sketch, Mr. Vinod told me:
Cant read the word depression clearly.
But possible. needs exploration
I tried to fix some part of my story book that Mr. Vinod said still awkward, and he told me that
It’s still awkward because YOU ARE ALIGNING YOUR TEXT TO THE LEFT BUT still using central alignment ? Who does that?!?! And what did I say about NOT aligning large amounts of text using central alignment in my lectures.
Week 12
Feedback received online:
I showed him my digitalised work and he commented that it is
Interesting. On the right track visually. But there is no idea in it. Meaning, where/how depression expressed typographically? The visual impact is on the right track but needs more exploration to fine tuning.
What if you use a tear drop to symbolize depression and place it in the cavity of the letters: D, P, R & O
He told me that no one will see the O and I that I put on the right side so that it is read vertically as poison.
Week 13
Mr. Shamsul commented on my work that it is okay, not bad, and its nice. When I ask Mr. Vinod, he said that my poster colour is too dull, he advised me to add drop shadows under the paper fold I did, and also he told me to express the cut I made in my 'n' with stitches instead of cut. After showing Mr. Vinod my poster animation online, he suggest me to make the teardrop falls down instead of what I already done.
Week 11
I realise there so many ways to express typography into an artwork through poster as I found so many great poster online. But, to be precise about what wanted to be shown in the poster itself is not as easy in the process of figuring the design of the poster.
Week 12
Coming up with design idea is so hard because none of all sketches I've done satisfied me.
Week 13
I'm start to feel that this project is fun even though it is tiring.
I saw so many great posters out there and I know that all of those coming through a lot of thought because I was struggling with the idea.
Week 12
I saw that my classmates have already coming up with mostly great ideas.
Week 13
Digitalising and animating use to be something that I would worry about, but now I enjoy it.
I found that poster should be catchy and emphasised on its surroundings. Also it should be readable.
Week 12
I knew this already but still I found that coming out with idea is very hard.
Week 13
I found that all of my classmates done a really great job. I am intimidated and also motivated by that.
I realise there so many ways to express typography into an artwork through poster as I found so many great poster online. But, to be precise about what wanted to be shown in the poster itself is not as easy in the process of figuring the design of the poster.
Week 12
Coming up with design idea is so hard because none of all sketches I've done satisfied me.
Week 13
I'm start to feel that this project is fun even though it is tiring.
Week 11I saw so many great posters out there and I know that all of those coming through a lot of thought because I was struggling with the idea.
Week 12
I saw that my classmates have already coming up with mostly great ideas.
Week 13
Digitalising and animating use to be something that I would worry about, but now I enjoy it.
Week 11I found that poster should be catchy and emphasised on its surroundings. Also it should be readable.
Week 12
I knew this already but still I found that coming out with idea is very hard.
Week 13
I found that all of my classmates done a really great job. I am intimidated and also motivated by that.
Further Reading
New Masters of Poster Design Volume Two by John Foster
Week 11
Book Cover |
Here some poster work that impressed me the most:
Una Noche Infernal |
Top Right; Radioactiva! | Top Left; Shigeo Fuguda Homage | Bottom Right; The Mutants. Boogie de la Muerte | Bottom Left; Lola |
El Ataque del Monstruo Verde |
Beneficio por Daddy O Grande |
Latino Surf Explosion |
Obese |
France Danse |
Journées de Danse Contemporaine Suisse |
Particle Acceleration |
Have No Fear of Perfection. You'll Never Reach It. |
Week 12
This book offers a look at the panorama of current print design, scanning a wide range of different projects from China to New York, from the simple postcard to the campaign poster, from the emerging to the established artist. It is neither a lexicon nor an analysis, but provides a snapshot of this fast, multifaceted, and highly present sector of the design industry.
Just My Type Foreword by Chip Kidd, Simon Garfield
Honestly, I don't really like the works that are on this book, but I found that the periodic table of typefaces is very interesting and I also like this pages;
Book Cover |
Page that is interesting for me |
Page that is interesting for me (2) |
Page that is interesting for me (3) |
Page that is interesting for me (4) |
Week 13
Book Cover |
Font rankings were determined by sorting and combining lists and opinions from web surveys.
This book started off with showing the 'Periodic Table of Typefaces'.
Periodic Table of Typefaces |
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